The Lowdown with Arsène Wenger OBE and David Dein MBE
Posted 13th May 2020
We catch up with Arsenal’s most successful manager and the man who brought him to the Gunners.

Arsène Wenger OBE and David Dein MBE have known each other for years but what was their first impression of each other?
Arsène Wenger: David is very open minded, progressive, warm and engaging.
David Dein: My first impression of Arsène was that he was highly intelligent, erudite with an encyclopaedia knowledge of the game. We seemed to bond immediately!
And being a part of Arsenal meant that they were nothing short of memorable moments.
AW: The first double and then travelling through London with the trophies was quite exceptional. And of course the Invincibles season and winning seven FA Cups.
DD: I’m fortunate enough to have experienced many memorable moments during my 24 years at the club (and much longer as a supporter). Winning the league at Anfield, back in May 1989 with the last kick off of the season was an unforgettable experience.
Also, Arsène masterminding the double [Arsenal won both the Premier League and FA Cup] in his first full season at the club was quite extraordinary. Of course the Invincible season was nothing short of remarkable and will live in my memory forever. It’ll be very difficult to replicate.
And the best goals to check out?
DD: It’s not easy to pick out one individual goal but certainly Micky Thomas’s goal at Anfield, Thierry Henry’s goal against Spurs and Tony Adams’s goal against Everton were rather special!
AW: There are so many, but perhaps Dennis Bergkamp at Newcastle will always stand out as well as Thierry Henry at Manchester United and of course Thierry Henry against Spurs.
Both David and Arsène are keeping occupied whilst in lockdown.
AW: I’ve always had a very strong discipline and organise my day so that I’m fully occupied. This includes many video calls with FIFA and friends
DD: The lockdown is unprecedented, and we have all had to change our lifestyles accordingly. Every day I’ll do an hour’s gym to try and keep mind and body together. When this is all over I want to be ready for the next challenge !
A few hours of the day are spent planning for the next steps of the Twinning Project which has taken over my life. In the evening I will choose an interesting film or series to watch.
Also because of my love of humour (you need it in football!), I spend several hours collating jokes and magic tricks from friends and ping them to colleagues around the world. We must all try to smile in the current situation!
But when they take to The London Palladium stage, the two will discuss time at the club, the state of football today and where they think it will go in the future.
AW: There’s been many memories we’ve shared with our love for football and what we have learnt from our experiences.
DD: The event at The London Palladium will be unique. It’ll be the first time that Arsène and I have in public discussed the past, present and the future of football. The first half of the event will be Arsène and me being interviewed by a special guest and the second half with be a Q&A with the audience. I can assure all true football fans that it’ll be an entertaining and revealing evening no matter who you may support!
An Audience with Arsène Wenger OBE and David Dein MBE comes to The London Palladium on Mon 9 November. Find out more here.