NYMT - Legend Trippers

NYMT - Legend Trippers

This show is no longer running.

A new musical by
commissioned by National Youth Music Theatre

What do a cheerleader, a science geek, a sports jock and a hard-core emo all have in common? They’re all members of the Legend Trippers – a group of unlikely high school heroes who band together to conquer their town’s most haunted spots and sites. But when a new girl comes to town, the Trippers find themselves in a legend of their own.

A brand new musical by Noisemaker – award-winning writing partnership of bookwriter/lyricist Scott Gilmour and composer Claire McKenzieLEGEND TRIPPERS uses joyous, energetic storytelling and song to examine the legends we are passing on today, and how we might benefit others by questioning them.

Director Kate Golledge
Musical Director Chris Poon
Choreographer Darragh O’Leary
Musical Supervisor Laura Bangay
Designer Diego Pitarch
Lighting Designer Aaron J Dootson
Sound Designer Gareth Tucker for Autograph
Producer Jeremy Walker for NYMT

For over 40 years the award-winning National Youth Music Theatre has represented the very best in work with young people in musical theatre, leading Andrew Lloyd Webber to describe it as “the best youth music theatre in the world”.


Times & Prices

Wed 14 – Sat 17 Aug

Wed, & Thu: 7.30pm
Fri & Sat: 2.30pm & 7.30pm


2 hours 10 minutes (including an interval)

£25, £30 & £35

Age Guidance: Suitable for all ages

*All prices are subject to availability, may only be available on certain performances and are subject to change without prior notice.

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